The Celibacy Course

Intimacy on Your Terms

Have you been told that it is impossible to have a fulfilling love life while practicing maintaining strong boundaries around intimacy? Have you ever felt pressured into intimacy before you were ready, only to feel cheapened and used when things didn't work out? Maybe you have met multiple guys who stop seeing you when they find out you are not into casual hook ups, and you are about to give up and compromise. My course is exactly the guide you need to give you the step-by-step process to embark on your celibacy journey with confidence. The course begins in June, but be sure to sign up now before registration closes!  

Once enrollment ends, this offer will never come back.


Some Questions I Plan to Answer


Pre-launch Price Available for a Limited Time




In-depth video lessons designed to help you

  • Prepare for and kickstart your celibacy journey
  • Develop habits and routines to support your celibacy journey
  • Cultivate a healthy mindset and belief system to maximize the benefits of celibacy
  • Learn how to communicate boundaries and timelines confidently and without defensiveness
  • Learn how to date while celibate—vet potential partners and manage expectations
  • Four LIVE Q+A Sessions with Fumi
  • FREE community of women also enrolled in the course to support your journey

Tired of feeling objectified in dating?

Finally, a practical blueprint.

Most of the information out there about celibacy—especially dating while celibate—is vague and abstract...most likely because it is created by people who have never practiced celibacy themselves.

That is where my course is different. You will learn how to date well and find love while celibate from me—someone who has actually done it. You can keep winging it, and spend another year of frustration...or you can get the blueprint that has worked for me and my 1:1 clients.


In this course, I will teach you how to:


Navigate dating while celibate—when to share and what to say


Separate shame and guilt from celibacy


Communicate boundaries clearly and confidently


Cultivate non-sexual intimacy with a partner


Vet potential partners and their pasts


Maintain celibacy in a committed relationship


Shift your mindset and develop habits to support your celibacy journey


Dismantle limiting beliefs around celibacy 


Make the most of your celibacy journey


I have been where you are...

I was a teenager when I made the decision to become celibate, and even though I felt so aligned with my decision...I also felt conflicted.  Along my journey, I overcame the following challenges—and have developed a proven blueprint that will help you do the same. 

  • I became frigid and never got approached by men
  • I felt disconnected from my body
  • I had a complex question about celibacy: How will the men I date react?
  • I underestimated the power of my mental diet
  • My circle of friends was not supportive, making me feel hopeless
  • I was frustrated from always validating my journey by the outcome
  • I was defensive about the decision—and that came through in how I communicated it to guys I was dating 
  • I fell into the trap of trying to validate my decision for others, which led to people testing my boundaries
  • I failed to see how everything is connected and how celibacy was benefitting me in every area of my life
  • I did not know how to create and foster intimacy and felt limited in my romantic relationships
  • It felt I was depriving the guys I date of something they wanted 

Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Fumi!

I have been successfully practicing celibacy for many, many years, and the benefits cannot be overstated.  Celibacy as a single woman was relatively easy, but I faced new challenges when I decided to date while celibate. 

Don't waste a second more winging it, while you feel more and more discouraged about your options! Allow me to give you the winning blueprint. You can get it now at a discount for a limited time.


Featured in Elle

I was featured as a celibacy expert in Elle magazine, you can find the article on the right

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Started with my eBook

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When you purchase my ebook, you get a discount code, and you get added to a closed list—members of this list will hear about my personal celibacy journey, as well as other helpful tips.

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